Why Choose Us

Accurate Record Keeping!

Always On Time

We are always on time no matter the location of your site

Hard Working

We always put in our very best to make sure you are satisfied.

24/7 Availability

We have a state of the art customer service that is always and readily available to help


What Our Clients Say?

I was sceptical when I was introduced to West Coast Roofing especially when I had to contact them electronically. I got the shock of my life. They replied swiftly in just a matter of minutes. I received my quotation. They are what they say they are.
Reverend John
What I really like about West Coast Roofing is I didn’t have to be present before estimates would be carried out and guess what I paid nothing. It was all done for free. They have excellent customer service and support. I am very glad I contacted them.
Dr. Sam
My issue was different. I bought my sheets from a different company. A couple of days after installation, there were leakage. I called upon West Coast Roofing. They come to my rescue even though they weren’t the ones who installed sheets. They never complained.
Royals ideal Limited
Tema circuit Court.

A Video on Our Metal Long Span And
Lightweight Trusses Project.

Why You Should have Us as Your Roofers

Statistics on our completed projects across the country.

Projects Completed in Ghana
1 +
Projects Completed (West African Sub Region)
1 +
Trained Engineers and Workers
1 +
Aluminium & Glass Work​
1 +
Untitled 3
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