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Exceptional Service At No Cost

Practical Roofing Advice You Can Count on

Focus Your Time and Efforts on Constructing Your Building and Leave the Roofing to Us

We provide swift and effective customer service and after-sales support for all our clients. We take delight in the satisfaction of our cherished clients. We also provide free estimates irrespective of the location of the site. Here at West Coast Roofing, there is nothing like a small leakage. We take our work seriously and try as much as possible to maintain zero margins of error and even if there is an error, we fix it as quickly as possible irrespective of where or how old the roof is.
Westcoast Roofing is the number one roofing solution provider in Ghana. We provide roofing to individual homeowners, private and public sector property developers.  West Coast Roofing offers technical support, free estimates and has the capacity to meet large-scale requirements. We have over the years worked with our clients to tailor our products to their specific needs.
Our mission is to be the most effective service-oriented roofing company in Ghana, Providing our clients with materials of the highest quality. Our range of roofing profiles are of the highest quality and comes in a wide variety to meet your budget and aesthetic requirements.


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Colour Charts

We have varieties of colours as per the colour charts we have below. Aluminium Zinc AZ150 has its specific colours as compared to the other profiiles. Do well to choose the corect colour for the specific profile you desire.

Westcoast AZ150 Colour Chat
Westcoast Premium Color Chat
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